Easy Access Everywhere: Being a PADI certified scuba diver makes buying or renting scuba gears and filling tanks hassle-free anywhere in the world. Professional dive shops will not supply these services to unlicensed individuals. Dive tours are also even easier, as there is no need for long theory briefings or skills training sessions before.
PADI eLearning®: The PADI eLearning system is an interactive, web and mobile-based program that allows learners to progress through knowledge development for various PADI courses at their convenience. Which means, you can learn on the go, refresh your theory skills anytime you want by simply logging in to your account and have hassle free communication with dive professionals.
College Credit and Vocational Training: The unsurpassed quality of PADI materials, and the educational validity of PADI courses, have been independently acknowledged by international educational and vocational training authorities. You may be able to earn college credit for certain PADI courses, or receive vocational training recognition toward national certificates.